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Body Treatments

Sculpt and Rejuvenate Your Body with Our Comprehensive Treatments

Achieve your desired silhouette and enhance your natural beauty with Visage Rejuvenation's wide range of body treatments. Our experienced team offers innovative solutions, such as InMode BodyFX, EMSELLA Chair, Sculptra, laser hair removal, lipotropic injections, and fungal nail care to address various concerns. We tailor each treatment to your unique needs and goals, ensuring optimal results in contouring, toning, and rejuvenating your body. Trust our skilled professionals to guide you on a personalized journey towards a more confident and revitalized you with our exceptional body treatment services.

woman in a green bikini

InMode BodyFX

At Visage Rejuvenation, we offer BodyFX, a revolutionary technology that provides a non-invasive and effective solution for body contouring and fat reduction.

  • About InMode BodyFX

    InMode BodyFX is a non-invasive body contouring and fat reduction treatment that utilizes radiofrequency energy, deep tissue heating, and suction to target and eliminate stubborn fat deposits. This innovative technology is designed to provide long-lasting results, helping individuals achieve a more toned and sculpted appearance without the need for surgery or invasive procedures.

  • How It Works

    During an InMode BodyFX treatment, a trained professional applies a handheld device to the targeted area, delivering radiofrequency energy and deep tissue heating. This process effectively destroys fat cells while also stimulating collagen production, resulting in tighter, smoother skin. The suction component of the treatment aids in contouring the body and improving the overall appearance of cellulite.

  • Benefits of InMode BodyFX

    InMode BodyFX offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking to improve their body's appearance and contour. By effectively targeting and eliminating stubborn fat deposits, this treatment can help achieve a more toned and sculpted physique. 

    Additionally, InMode BodyFX is a non-invasive and painless procedure, making it an attractive option for those who may be hesitant to undergo surgery or other invasive treatments. With minimal downtime and lasting results, InMode BodyFX is an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their body's natural shape and achieve a more confident, attractive appearance.

  • Pre-Care Instructions

    1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with one of our healthcare professionals to discuss your body contouring goals and medical history to determine if BodyFx is suitable for you.

    2. Hydration: Ensure you are well-hydrated before the BodyFx treatment to support the body's natural detoxification processes.

    3. Skincare Products: Avoid applying any oils, lotions, or creams to the treatment area on the day of the procedure, as they may interfere with the treatment's effectiveness.

    4. Avoid Sun Exposure: Refrain from sunbathing, tanning beds, and self-tanning products in the treatment area for at least one week before the procedure. Sun exposure can increase the risk of side effects.

  • Post-Care Instructions

    1. Gentle Skincare: Use gentle skincare products on the treated area for the first few days after the BodyFx treatment to avoid irritation.

    2. Hydration: Stay well-hydrated after the procedure to support the body's natural healing processes.

    3. Avoid Hot Baths and Showers: Avoid hot baths, hot tubs, and saunas for 24-48 hours after the treatment, as the skin may be sensitive.

    4. Exercise: Light physical activity is encouraged after the treatment to help stimulate the lymphatic system and enhance the body's natural elimination of fat cells.

    5. Follow-Up Sessions: BodyFx typically requires multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. Follow the recommended treatment schedule provided by our healthcare professionals.

    6. Sun Protection: Protect the treated area from direct sun exposure for at least one week after the procedure. Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and wear protective clothing when going outdoors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the transformative power of InMode BodyFX, a non-invasive body contouring treatment offered at Visage Rejuvenation. Our experienced team is here to answer your questions and guide you through the process, ensuring optimal results and satisfaction.

  • Is InMode BodyFX suitable for all skin types?

    InMode BodyFX is designed to be safe and effective for all skin types. Our skilled professionals will assess your individual needs and concerns during your consultation to determine if this treatment is the best option for you. We strive to provide personalized care tailored to each client's unique goals and requirements.

  • How many InMode BodyFX sessions are recommended for optimal results?

    The number of InMode BodyFX sessions required for optimal results varies depending on individual needs and goals. On average, clients may need 6-8 sessions, spaced one week apart, to achieve their desired outcome. Our team will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive the most effective care possible.

  • Can I combine InMode BodyFX with other treatments?

    Combining InMode BodyFX with other treatments can enhance results and address multiple concerns simultaneously. Our experienced professionals will discuss your goals and recommend the most effective combination of treatments for your unique needs. We are committed to providing comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of your aesthetic journey.

  • What should I expect during an InMode BodyFX session?

    During an InMode BodyFX session, you can expect a gentle warming sensation as the radiofrequency energy targets the treatment area. The procedure is generally comfortable and requires no anesthesia or downtime. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your experience is as pleasant as possible while delivering exceptional results.

  • What other body treatments do you offer?

    Visage Rejuvenation offers various body treatments, including:

    • EMSELLA Chair for pelvic floor strengthening
    • Sculptra for buttock, hip, and cellulite enhancement
    • Laser Hair Removal for permanent hair reduction
    • Lipotropic Injections for targeted fat reduction

    We are committed to providing comprehensive solutions to address your aesthetic concerns.

skinny woman on green background

Other Services

At Visage Rejuvenation, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including injection treatments, vitamin drips, facial therapies, laser procedures, and body treatments, all designed to enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence in a safe, professional environment.

woman with clear skin

Premium Skincare Products

Complementing our Body Treatment services, we are proud to offer a curated selection of high-quality skincare products to enhance your beauty regimen. Our range of professional-grade products is carefully chosen to address various skin concerns and promote a healthy, radiant complexion. By incorporating these exceptional skincare products into your daily routine, you can further support the results achieved through our treatments, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your skin's health and appearance. Discover our premium skincare offerings today.

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